Imus In the Morning


No, Al Sharpton. Imus suing MSNBC
for breach of contract does not prove
Imus was un-contrite. His contract was breached(.)
Imus suffered the loss of being on main stream media
for for six months. He apologized to the women
who claimed to be offended after it was brought to their attention.
They and their coach accepted his apology, and further
the coach didn’t want to see him fired.
Al Sharpton wanted to see Imus fired
and he got his wishes.
Al’s actions were appropriate
any time one feels offended by a comment on mass media
they have the right to protest the advertisers – proving
democracy works – protest and free speech lives
at least in this instance.
Sharpton, as a Christian, says he forgives him,
but doesn’t believe Imus has suffered enough.
When will we hear Al Sharpton apologize
for any thing he has said on mass media?
And here’s to you Kim Candy:
Anyone who is anti-Hillary
IS NOT making a sexist statement.
Also, Candy, I took your statement,
“Don Imus is to old to know anything about Rap lyrics.”
as a racist statement against the elderly.
I am a septuagenarian and know something about Rap.
I am also a female anti-Hillary.

“When kicked in the rear by an opponent, you know you are in front.”

doesn’t matter then, why one is kicked
even less, in front of what?
all avowing “No new taxes!”
Heard that declaration before?
“Right to bear arms a ‘family tradition.” – McCain
Good for the rest of the country but not for D.C.
Top 3 priorities for cutting taxes:
“Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.” – Thompson

Which debates have been polled
to be more interesting:
When the media asks the questions
or when the public asks?
What moderator holds the firmest
time limitations? Anderson Cooper,
thus far.
Which moderator
gives equal time to all contenders?
Thus far, none.
Don’t tell us who the top dogs are,
we already know it is those
with the largest war chest, and
most advertising dollars.
Equal is equal
until the first primaries.
What candidate would overstep
time limits if, when used up
he might be shut up
before the final question?

How America Can Win In Iraq

Off the Slate
“There’s bad news today
from both Iraq and Afghanistan,
where it seems that recent military successes
aren’t translating into political progress.”

getting troops out of Iraq
will not be an American defeat
no, no “cut and run”
it will be a George Bush American Foreign Policy defeat.
And it would be a win
for America’s republican democratic process
to end this illegal
ill begotten Iraq War(.)

Immigrants are Hard Working, God Fearing Christians!!!

Elephant in the Room,”
announces Goldberg, Jonah of
National Review On Line, is
“the line between US and Mexico.”

Yo Respondo:
that line is not
unlike the wide wide ocean
our forefathers crossed
seeking a new life!
of course he was not referring to himself
as a Republican elephant
further he prrotrudes,
“Immigration is
the 4th (or 3rd) estate in the 2008 election.”
full meaning
to freeze us in horrific fear:
“They’re taking our job!.”
“They’re lowering our property values!”
“They’re bringing in diseases, gangs etc!”

Tell me Red Robin
which candidate
this election
do they most want us to fear?

What Bulging Eyes, Michael Tanner

is it the suit/tie of the CATO Inst that binds
or your faulty logic that suffers the brain
report is faulty in it’s reporting
America is 37th in longevity
and 54th in fairness.
Telling C-SPAN viewers
Life expectancy is no measure of health
The reason our health care is so expensive
is because we want the best
Ya sure Tanner Tanner
We love having doctors who’s God is Money
ain’t got no time for home visits
ain’t got time for bedside manners
well ok no, it is not all doctors
it is more the man in the middle
insurance companies, pharmacologies
moreso HBOs taking a chunk of the pie
for doing the paper shuffle
Yeah, Sicko Sicko
(thank you Michael Moore)
O Michael, archangel,
there you are with but two of your namesakes
does the one on fire have time
to melt the one on ice
before we all do the right thing?
The God of Pain suffers equally
good and evil
but it is only the meek
who truly own this
our Mother

They’re Torturing Buddhist Monks!!!

for Christ’s sake does anybody care
in Burma
(why did they rename it Myanmar?)
why are Buddhist Monks being tortured
what and why
oh power power power
how seductive thou art!
Why are the Christians not protesting?
Why are not the Jews lamenting?
From heaven to hell
we go flipping flopping
From shore to forest
we go marching warring
Heys you in your box
it’s johnny-jump up time
do something)

Wolf Wolf Bush Musharraf?

(t)here’s a growing number
of Bush administration officials who
believe Pervez Musharraf
won’t survive current crisis.
an increasing number of discussions
about Pakistan’s future
and how they could ensure
a smooth transition to a new leader,
all while making it seem as if they’re not
actually playing behind-the-scenes.

Wolf wolf!

Bush’s World War III

Simple Math:

In World War I – 10 million deaths
In World War II – 62 million deaths
roughly extracting times 6 equals
World War III – 372 million deaths

Advanced Math:

65,000 nuclear warheads in 1985
(some partially dismantled but still exist)
nuclear power located in nine different countries
Russia, United States, UK, France, China
India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel

Promethean Math:

Fire burns. Fire warms.


Lou Dobbs White Catholic Boy Fears

when a caller to Larry King Live asks
why Lou only reads favorable emails on his show
Larry asks Lou if he gets many unfavorable emails
which became the only moment in Lou’s diatribe
against illegal immigration
he had to pause then mutter,
“We get very few unfavorable emails.”
Even Bill O’Reilly with his also Catholic mentality
has a security to read a few of his unfavorables.
in that short moment of pause
what was Mr. Dobbs thinking?
No one’s counting?
His hired help who processes them would not betray him?
Here’s the rub:
Are viewers of any controversy more likely to write
favorable or unfavorable, unless it’s Keith Olberman,
who follows in Edward R. Murrow’s footsteps,
the neen becomes overwhelming,
in our spin-a-day news media,
to send Keith a kudus, a bravo?
There’s a chink in your amore Mr. Lou
and it points to the same fear O’Reilly has aired:
“They” are trying to undermine the seats of power
we white boys have acquired.
Here’s the death of “we”:
American Foreign Policy.

It is not “enhanced interrogation technique”, it is TORTURE(.)

David Rivkin says “yes” to water boarding
even after Abu Ghraib
even when our courts throw out confessions
obtained from torture
even when it is against National
and International Law
i note the only time Rivkin stuttered
this morning on C-SPAN
was when a caller asked him
“why don’t you subject yourself to water boarding”
i hope Rivkin doesn’t call himself a Christian
which means, by essence, “following Christ”
cause torture is NOT what Christ would do
who can ask for mercy on their souls
when they gave no mercy?

Why and oh why
when we know torture elicits false information
do “they” use it?
Their can be no other reason than
they want to use this false information
to pretend new “terrorists” threats
for no other reason
than to secure
“their” absolute power.