Dateline NBC gives US:

“…the dictionary definition of “wasted”
was used as in ‘our troop deaths in Iraq were wasted’.”

Dateline reads viewers the definition of “sacrificed”
Tells us the word “wasted” used by one politician
should have been more accurate by using “sacrificed”
instead of “wasted”.

When did Dateline become the whitewash
for our English language?

Sacrifice is like a Jesus who never carried a weapon
or used one…a Ghandi…et al
who believe/teach/walk the path of
nonviolent conflict resolution.

Wasted is how people get when they can’t take reality
anymore. Wasting away in Margaretaville…et al.

Whitewash is what you do with a black lie.
Naked is what you get when publicly exposed.
Sneer is what you do when you believe you are all mighty.
Peace is what you feel when you take a walk on the beach
picking up beautiful sea shells…


But if you, Dateline, want to call those deaths sacrificed,
then please inform us, your audience, what
purpose did those lost lives serve?
Were there deaths of service to we the people
or were they in service of another Empire
seeking world and outerspace domination?

Durn, didn’t you know
the Devil does not wear blue he wears black
and white shirts and pick your color tie?

And who is there here who has not heard
of the ultimate temptation?
It did not work on Jesus Christ
but did work on others
and the list grows on
and on and on and
wasted days and wasted nights
with distractions too numerous to mention
running just as hard as we can
from our reality.

“Congress’ approach is no way to win a war” By Charles Krauthammer, with rebuttal

note: Krauthammer in quotation marks, rebuttal without them

“Congress did exactly that (authorized the use of force – October 2002)
with open eyes and large majorities.”

The Congress did not have open eyes they had lies. The small majority of
congress that DID have open eyes knew they were being lied to. The
majority of congress followed their whips – and in this they are culpable – but
it is the whips who’s hands are most bloody, both Dems and Reps.

“Now, more than four years later, the Democrats want out of the resulting war.”

Now, most Democrats, and SOME Republicans want out of the resulting war
which is a quagmire, which is why the majority of Americans voted the new
members into office.

“Most….They think the war is lost. If you believe that, then getting out is the most
reasonable and honorable and patriotic policy.”

The question is even bigger than whether the war is lost or won. It is illegal for
the president to lie to the Congress about going to war. There is no way to win
an illegal war and there is no way to save face.

“Congress has the power to do that by cutting off the funds. But Democrats will not,
because it is politically dangerous.”

And who spins it ‘politically dangerous’? Fire up your base KrautHammer! Put your
talking points into the Fox News echo chamber. Make it un-American for our
Congress to use their Constitutional Power to stop an illegal war, or at best an ill
construed war. Echo out “they don’t support the troops”.

“Instead, they are seeking other ways, clever ways…. Unless the troops are given
the precise equipment, training and amount of rest Murtha stipulates — no funds.”

Tell me about the marines who are going to the front lines after two weeks
training and tell me about the troops who are refused medical help when they
have traumatic stress syndrome as if they are all Corporal Clingers.

“Murtha….has chosen conditions he knows are impossible to meet…”

Yeah Charles Rumsfield Krauthammer, ‘You go to war with the army that you
got, not the one you wish you had.’

“But think of what that entails. It leaves the existing 130,000 troops out there without
the reinforcements and tactical flexibility that the commander, Gen. David H.
Petraeus, says he needs to win.”

translated: ‘Currently we do not have reinforcements and tactical flexibility.’

“Of course, the Democrats believe that the war cannot be won. But if that’s the
case, they should order a withdrawal by cutting off the funds.”

The majority of Americans agree 100% and feet will be held to the next
election fire.

“Slowly bleeding our forces….It is no way to end a war.” (more echo chamber)

Over 70% of VOLUNTEER ‘our forces’ and over 70% of Americans believe we
should get out of Iraq, WHO, WHO, WHO, I ask, is ‘slowly bleeding our forces’?

Who else does Charles Krauthammer write for? The Jewish World Review

Question: Which of these secret organizations does Charles Krauthammer belong?

A) Council on Foreign Relations
B) The Trilateral Commission
C) Bilderburger
D) All of the above

(Can’t answer that. It’s a secret.)

Cheney Dreams of Yellow Cake

it was not “flimsy” evidence as said on Hardball
it was FORGED evidence of yellow cakes
who would forge this evidence or have it forged
the who who wanted to use it and did…duh…
how many lies can a Bush stand on before he is pinned?
When taken to war on lies there is no V in victory
there is no-save face for the powerful
Senators or Representatives
who whipped Republicans AND Democrats
into voting for the Iraq war
Judd Gregg, Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham
Kay Hutchinson, Mitch McConnell
and yes…Hillary Clinton
to name a few…
“Every time we don’t like somebody
we call them a terrorist.” Chris Mathews
Why do we fear the loss of habeas corpus
and surveillance of US citizens?
Those who would be a Dictator always goes after
dissenters first.

Rand Corporation, Ayn What?

Eugene Weber, UCLA and Bill Bosehaer and Angel Rebas

“Ideology allows a person to kill”

This is as true for Islam extremists
as it is for any member of any military.

“There was a political element to Osama’s actions”

The first element being get US military out
of Saudi Arabia and stop supporting
Israel over Palestine. (note: he did not say
US should support Palestine over Israel)
The second element was religions extremists,
with which he used as weapons to accomplish
the first.

Angel Rebasa explains the Sunni Shi’ite split
with each choosing which passages of the Koran
they would follow…

Iman / Jesus take your pick
both have believers of Apocalyptic ends and swords
both have believers of peaceful ends and plowshares

American Democrats and Republicans and Independents win
if “The Surge” works in Iraq – violence stops –
the President of Iraq says – “Go home now,
turn over your permanently built military camps,
and hands off our oil.”

If we really want to dry up funding of insurgents/terrorists,
by any other name the funding is the same,
illegal drugs and crime, then give up
the failed war on drugs and treat “terrorist attack”
for what it is, a crime.

Using the Power of the Purse

100 monkey suits called to order
“You’re either against the Iraq war
or you are not.”
A “closure” vote is binding on each Senator
who will support an illegal war of aggression
and who will not – no twisted words need apply

“Give us one last chance!
2 out of 3? 3 out of 5?”

Washington Post – February 15, 2007

“One Republican lawmaker close to the leadership, who spoke
on the condition of anonymity, said GOP leaders have 50 to 60
Republicans on their watch list, with between 40 and 60 expected
to break with the White House tomorrow.”

It’s called a fuzzy feel good of relief when
only 17 Republican Reps. jump ship.

One Republican argument
“It’s a meaningless resolution, therefore
we strongly oppose it.”

Rep. Craig Thomas, Wyoming on C-SPAN

“not as many Reps jumped ship as ‘some’ thought might,
that ‘many people’ thought would”

“We had to go into Iraq because we had no way
to work with Saddam.”

Translated means: US puppet Saddam
stopped following orders.

A caller to Washington Journal, C-SPAN,
“Why don’t we set up permanent military bases around Iraq
like we did in Germany and Japan, like around their oil fields
and just take what we want.”

Yepper, caller, that’s the whole Point of the Spear –
which feeds US addiction to oil, which allow their leaders
to wage war, which allows war profiterings to get dirty rich,
all of whom turn their backs on the worldwide suffering,
caused by our deadly US Foreign Policy(.)

“Vulture Fund” Company Wins $20 Million Payment from Zambia on $4 Million Debt

or, just another reason most of the world
hates American Foreign Policy

but “Vulture Fund” is yesterday’s news story
neglected by America’s Corporate Media
but reported to the world on BBC
by an honorable word warrior, Greg Palast.

want the whole enchilada?

President Bush, with a stroke of the pen could stop Vulture Funds.
If you google for Bush’s email addy to write him a letter
of course one expects to get a return form letter
but what does one expect when the form letter says:

“On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
We appreciate hearing bla bla bla….

“Due to the large volume of e-mail received bla bla bla….
In the future please send your comments to

Which is EXACTLY where my email was sent
but do not be discourage if I’ve encourage you to do something…
Even if they say they didn’t read it/know it,
they READ it, they KNOW it
and if they SEE it often enough at some “critical mass”
it will prick their reality.

Won’t you reader, write a letter?

Surge Protection From 3 House Representatives

New Mexico Rep. Steve Pierce, oh Rep of mine…

Show me a picture of a Vietnam Soldier that was spit on.
Then let me lead you away from the Barbary Coast in 1786…
Your delusional leader Bush tells us for “stay the course”
thru these last four years of war and now Mr. Pierce
would dis the Dems for what he now calls “staying the course”
but and yes thank you Mr. Pierce
for calling on the Dems
to stand up for what they believe, saying
“Follow your conviction, top the war,
you have the power and can do it now.”

We understand dear Pierce
why you wanted the Dems to be distracted
with a fight over the appointment of General Petrias
Didn’t happen, and how does Mr. Talking Point Hoekstra
spin that? “The Dems are talking out of both sides of their mouth,
voting for General Petrais, who supports the surge while
passing a resolution against the surge.”
Sorry Sorry Pierce – we the people against this war
will not let our elected representatives be deterred.

The warhawk Reps, like Session, are howling
“House Resolution 63 will embolden the terrorists.”
How much bolder can a terrorists get
then making a bomb out of their own bodies?

But it is Pierce that is afire with fear (counting on fear as a contagion)
“This is a world wide war on radical Islam.”

First it was a war for WMD’s
Then a war to topple Saddam
Then bring democracy to the middle-east
Now is is a war on radical Islam

What the hell are we fighting for?

Rep. Heather Wilson, also of New Mexico states
“It is not vital to American interest to stop all violence in Iraq.”

Does that give us the answer of why we went to Iraq?
If we did not go to Iraq to stay why did we only send enough troops
to maintain a permanent presence and
build permanent military bases there?

Republicans Want To Debate Funding of the War

least we forget, they asked for it first
4 years when they could have they didn’t
warhawks do not want a vote of censure because
to censure a War President destroys the argument of
“Anti-War people don’t support our troops.”
in fact what it proves the opposite…
when troops are sacrificed for an un necessary war
the only way to truly support our troops
is to bring them home now.

Bush logic:
“If we fail in Iraq the terrorists will come here and kill us.”
They came here and killed us before we went to Iraq.

Censure Bush AND Cheney first,
funding next.

Can You Die From Stupid?

“A ‘very damning’ report by the Defense Department’s inspector general
depicts a Pentagon that purposely manipulated intelligence in an effort
to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda in the runup to the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, says the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.”

“Just last week, Gates said that U.S. military officers in Baghdad were planning
to brief reporters on what is known about Iranian involvement in Iraq but that he
and other senior administration officials had intervened to delay the briefing
in order to assure that the information provided was accurate (manipulated?).”

Overheard at a coffee shop:
“I just saw on the news crawl that Anna Nicole Smith died.”
“Oh, what of?”
“They didn’t say.”
“Can you die of from being really stupid?”
“If that was true I would not be having this conversation.”

oh Anna Nicole Smith shades of Marilyn Monroe
(note is was okay for Jackie to marry Ari)
believing in the fairy tales then slammed
with the reality of money and corruption
Stuck on mammary galnds? Here!
Go choke yourselves! It is the devil in the details
of what happens to infant innocent brains
in the hands of master manupliators…

Tell me Bill O’Reilly, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman et al newsies
who ultimately controls the Pentagon
and who controls the office of the president
(not who our laws, say do)
when Iran/Contra is swept under America’s rug
when Nixon’s illegal bombing in Cambodia also under that rug
and he, Nixon, is pardoned for the lesser crime of Watergate?

By phone today:
“Mr. Peters?”
“This is Irma at Dr. Azucar’s office. You had a negative stress test and
have to meet with Dr. Costoso, the cardiologist, next Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.”
“Okay. What does a negative stress test mean?”
(sound of papers being ruffled)
“It says here that you are in imminent danger of a heart attack.”
“If an attack is imminent should we wait until next week to see the cardiologist?”
“Yes. He’s out of town until then.”

Yes Dorothy, you can die from stupid.

How Can America Win An Illegal War?

America cannot and is not and will not win
but the hype goes on and on and on
from the top: “We have to win in Iraq
so the terrorists won’t see US as weak.”
and, “more US troops have to die so the ones already dead
will not have died in vain.” – sound familiar?

Army Lt. Ehren Watada refused to return to Iraq because
“As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful,
I must as an officer of honor and integrity refuse that order.”

Back in the good old days America could admit mistakes,
even changing the constitution to correct those mistakes,
now Bush would tell us some mistakes were made but
instead of correcting them we will “stay the course.”

The warhawks need Americans to believe
our all volunteer army chose to be where they are…
They did not choose a lying administration
and when polled a Large majority would leave
if they could but they do not have Watada courage
…kinda like America’s congressmen and women
have not the courage to condemn Bush & Cheney,
congress people who think to hold onto their seat
of power…this time the question is not
“Who will be the last soldier to die” while politicians dicker
the question is “How many Watadas need to step up
before Bush and Cheney step down?’
Answer: Not so many if Americans by the numbers
walked into their own state congress persons offices and demanded
“Stop this illegal war now!”